Monday, March 7, 2011

How to create platinum text

Final Preview

Platinum Text

 In this tutorial we will learn how to create a shining Platinum text using photoshop blending options

* UPDATE : Video Tutorial Also Available Now
   Click here

Lets begin with the tutorial

Step 1
Create a new document (1024px X 768px) and resolution 200px/inch.

Step 2
Make a black background and make a new text layer.
Write any desired text with a bold font.

Step 3
Now open blending options of the text layer and click on gradient overlay.

Select the first color #ffffff and last color #cecece
 Press OK and change gradient style to reflected

You will get something like this

Step 4
Now go to bevel and emboss and change the settings to
Style: inner bevel
Technique: chisel hard
Depth: 75%
Size: 10


Gloss counter: ring-double
Tick the anti-aliased check box

Now select the contour with following settings
Contour: cone
Range: 80%

After applying these settings you will get something like this

Step 5
Now hide the text layer and select the background layer
Choose round gradient with color #5c5c5c and #000000

Step 6
Create a new layer above text layer in which we will add shine to the platinum text.

Select the brush tool with star brush
Size: 90px                                                                           
In the new layer created, brush on the edges of the text to make it look shiny

Step 7
Select the text layer again and make a drop shadow effect with the following settings
Opacity: 90%
Distance: 8px
Spread: 10px
Size: 13px

After adding shadow, our platinum effect is ready 

Final Platinum Effect

Thanks for reading
Hope you like it...!!