Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How to replace sunny weather with clouds

Final Preview

Final Preview

In this tutorial we will learn how to replace sunny weather with clouds and advanced color matching and shading

Lets begin with the tutorial

Step 1
Open the image in photoshop and duplicate its layer by pressing ctrl+J
Hide the original layer

Step 2
Now choose the quick selection tool from the selection tools and click on the sky

Select all the sky area and also select the small blue areas left behind.

When the sky is selected, press delete key to remove the selected part

Step 3
Now open the image of clouds in a new file and copy it

Now paste it below the background copy layer

You will get something like this

Step 4
Click on the background copy layer and open the adjustments menu and select gradient map

Select black and white color and don’t forget to click on the clipping mask button

Step 5
After making the adjustment layer change its fill to 60%

Step 6
Now make a new adjustment layer of color balance with following settings




After applying these settings we will get the following effect

Step 7
Create a new adjustment layer of exposure and reduce it to -0.75

Our image will look less exposed and give a cloudy effect

Step 8
Select the background copy layer and all other adjustment layer
And merge them (ctrl+E)

Step 9
Create copy of the layer home which we got after merging and select it

Step 10
Now go to filter>other>high pass

A window will open and set the radius to 10px

We will get something like this after highpass

Step 11
After high pass set the blending mode to soft light

This will give us a sharp image with high detail

Step 12
Now add vignette to the image

Before and After

Final Image

Thanks for reading
Hope you like it...!! 

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